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Old 04-07-2015, 02:47 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I just looked at the links on that google search page. Except for the Obama care sign up link at the top, the entries appear to a year or more old. Nothing earth shattering or even new considering that we are now in the 4th mont of 2015.

However, I do believe it's going to crash, but that will be after Obama leaves office.

Watch for some string pulling concerning the Fed which will crash the economy if a Republican becomes President 2017. It's just barely being kept alive as we speak, seems to involve printing money. I don't pretend to understand it all.

As for the politicians: Local elections matter. For the most part over the last 2 centuries, Congress and the Presidents didn't just appear out of a vacuum, they started out with local elections.

It is real important to scrutinize lawyers who show up on local ballots for District Attorney, Municipal and Superior Court judicial offices. California State Attorney Kamala Harris started out somewhere as did US District Attorney Eric Holder. I haven't researched them, but they most likely started with a local law firm then were elected to local office before they caught their sponsor's eyes.

Remember California Chief Justice Rose Bird? That dismal wench started out as a law clerk in the Nevada Supreme Court. She held at least one elected position in California, other California positions were appointed before Governor Moonbeam made her top monkey on the Ca. Supreme Court on his first go around.

Moonbeam himself held local elected offices before becoming Governor in the 70's.

The US Supreme Court Justices all have personal histories which probably involve local elected offices.

Judges and prosecuting attorneys may be even more important than elected legislative politicians, they determine which cases are brought forth, heard and which legal decisions are made, yet the public generally knows little about them and the cases they bring and decisions they render. Think of all the presidents who have tried to pack the courts before the opposing party could take over the Presidency and the Senate.

They all started somewhere, and most likely they started on the bottom floor.

The bad ones have to be stopped before they get started.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-07-2015 at 02:49 PM.
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