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Old 11-16-2014, 04:04 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Yes, indeed.

Googling does show that the internet is full of stories/reports suggesting that it is indeed true.

I actually visited Cuba back in 1952 while I was in the navy. We had liberty in Havana. When Castor overthrew Fulgencio Batista - I recall it clearly.

At the time the US didn't actually know who Fidel Castro was. They had a tendency to assist him. AFTER he took over he came out of the shadows and OPA!!! revealed that he was a Communist and anti Imperial dictator. Incidentally he was also illegitimate born to an illiterate farmer. Obama certainly is plotting to swamp the country with millions of semi literate low life campesino's who have no other redeeming features than to become Democrats that will overwhelm the Republicans in elections and create a one party system, naturally socialist. Obama absolutely does intend to try to transform America from a Constitutional Republic to a socialist/communist one party country.

There are some remarkable similarities between Obama and Castro. Apart from that and his bi-sexual, drug addicting escapades, he still appears to have even more undesirable traits such as being a sociopath. That in further addition to extremely bad judgment and inexperience. It's beginning to look like the conspiracy theorist's may have something when they allege that he is out to sink America.

Among these paillasos will be a majority of liars, thief's, low life's . When Billy King, Western Director of the INS, was involved in the Clinton amnesty he said they could look out their window and see the line up of applicants being sold counterfeit documents on the street.

This morning Fox news reported that there are 11,000 cases of a polio like condition weak muscles and cramps among school children that is suspected to be the Envirovirus brought by the flood of "children" recently crossing. And 12 have died. Thousands more cases are expected.

Now 10,000 Americans have died as a result of illegal alien drunk drivers. That's more than the numbers of our military killed in Iraq. That's staggering. Incredible. The enemy within.

Last edited by wetibbe; 11-16-2014 at 12:34 PM.
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