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Old 12-16-2009, 08:09 AM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
Since Obama is so bad, I would like to hear some tell us who they would like to have as POTUS. If you throw in why that would be super.

Tom McClintock because he is the most important thing the leader of the U.S. needs to be at this point in history - fiscally responsible.

Also, he has a penchant for doing something most elected officials don't, and I would consider it a refreshing change of pace. He speaks honestly to his constituents.

I could also deal with Jeff Sessions because he has a proven record of not bowing to inordinate amounts of pressure insofar as illegal immigration is concerned. Get rid of the illegals, and it will solve a lot of the problems our country is currently facing.
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