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Old 07-10-2014, 04:27 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 801
Default Coyote in chief facilitator.

Why won't BO go to the border ?

Get ready, get set folks. Your extended family is here.

He wants $3.7 billion. $1.87 billion of that is to be spent taking care of the children !!!! *( Look out, here it comes, the flim flam ). Whether you like it or not you are paying for the kids.

But what about Americans ?

1. 40% of black youth unemployed.

2. Veterans living in tents and cars.

3. Veterans unable to obtain Doctors appointments. Some expiring.

4. 5 million lost their health coverage due to Obamacare.

5. Hospitals stuck with providing hundreds of millions in free care for illegals.

6. Free education at taxpayers expense.

7. Welfare, food stamps, entitlements.

8. Each child of an illegal alien is worth $10,000 annually in benefits.

9. Current estimates are that this debacle will cost $6,000 per child until they are dispositioned.

Kids are now being picked at the Military bases by unknown people, unidentified who are not being asked their immigration status or relationship to the child. And the children are not being tested or treated for diseases.

So BO goes out West to play pool and drink beer then hold fund raisers *( $16,000 @ person, $32,000 @ couple ).

Nice. Flipping the bird to the people.

Go to the border BO ? No. Rome burns while Nero fiddles.

Last edited by wetibbe; 07-10-2014 at 04:37 AM.
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