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Old 07-04-2014, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
I just got my E-mail from Numbers USA with the relocation map.

Looks like we will be getting some here.

Absolutely mind boggling. In one feld swoop the Cartels have dispatched thousands of salesmen all across the Nation.

I LOVE it. I hope it gets MUCH worse. Draconian. Burn Baby Burn.

Yesterday Fox News reported that BO has been voted the worst President on the lase 70 years. *( It's beginning to look like BO is an acronym for Body Odor .

But will events cause a regime change before the next election?

Little story Folks.

In Chile Salvador Allende was the President. That goes back to the late 1970. A flaming Communist that wrecked the economy completely. The military sat on their hands and did nothng -------- until the house wife's revolted. They went out into the streets of Santiago with pots and spoons beating the pots and making a horrendous racket. You could hear it all over town.

Then Agosto Pinochet and his troops performed a "golpe". And it was hasta luego Allende.

Could it happen here? I doubt it. Too many Americans are too indifferent and too lazy to really care. It isn't bad enough yet.
Be careful of what you wish for.

Allende was an asshole who admired Castro's Cuba. We all see what sort of an incompetent, left wing ideologue asshole Obama is.

On the other hand, the 1973 coup involved quite a bit more than women beating pots in the street - the CIA exploited the unrest to some degree, the Chilean military was involved, and Pinochet took over.

I don't know about you, but I don't particularly desire to live under the bloody thumb of a Pinochet.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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