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Old 06-19-2014, 12:04 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I saw that interview.

Gutierrez didn't flip by any means, he's putting on an act and trying to exploit sentiment.

He expressed fake outrage and his solution was to have do nothing, meaningless talks with the originating countries and pass amnesty (AKA immigration reform). He was guided right up to the illegal immigration solution - how to stop it right now once and for all, but he just couldn't say it, talked in circles all around it and dodged the question multiple times.

He just couldn't say "deportation". He's not going to address employer culpability. Not anything about "This is it, no more, you're going home and you're going to jail".

He's a weasel, all he wants is amnesty without shutting down the flow.
I watched the interview also and saw it exactly as you described. He finds himself in a situation of his own making and used double speak to respond.

This crisis is the Democrats' making, and the weak Republicans like John McCain, Graham and the rest that went along with it.

What they're not mentioning is the cost! Each one of the illegal kids will cost at a minimum $3-4 thousand EACH MONTH. Yes that's each month. The cost of foster care, legal services, and education. Education alone is $1,500 each month because of the added cost of ESL. Now multiply that by one year and then by the thousands that have already arrived. We're talking Billions upon billions of dollars.

This at a time when schools throughout the country are struggling with the cost of Common Core Standards that will bankrupt many districts.

Yet, Obama wants to give Mexico $$$$$$ to help them with the cost of their helping prevent the kid from entering from the south and securing THEIR SOUTHERN BORDER!!!! Yes, Obama actually said that!
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