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Old 12-23-2013, 11:15 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
He got elected by cheating, lying and stealing. By using the IRS to prevent the TeaParty orgs from their 501c4 status and against anyone that went against him, hiding and lying about what was really happening in the Middle East and what happened in Benghazi, using the Clinton connected zombies, lying about Obamacare, giving $$$ to organizations like ACORN to pack the ballot boxes and pandering to those with the right skin color, and promising free stuff. Obama has dead bodies in his path, a lot of dead bodies.

You are a mean spirited, Fox latrine drinking want to be Bully. Seems he is not the right skin color for you. Too bad, what is , is. Get over it.
I am not a party person. I will vote for any one I think will serve the US as it should be. That decision is MINE.
Have a Merry Christmas.
Boy I got under your skin with those bits of truth. Then to throw the race card, how typical of you leftist cult followers. Please inform us of what I stated that wasn't true. Those pieces of truth just keep adding to the pile that is burying your god. Oh, and the "Fox" bit, that's precious. You still haven't answered the question I asked about Benghazi. Oh the hypocrisy of the liberals; lies seem to be just fine with them. It's not "mean spirited" to lie, to the left it's just creative speaking. But for anyone to question and not put up with lying, well that's "mean spirited". Oh the hypocrisy, it's overflowing.

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 12-23-2013 at 11:23 AM.
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