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Old 12-14-2009, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
As someone else who lives in the trenches with them I also see the same exact things you do. And that's exactly how my roommate Rose describes them also, and she's Hispanic. She said she couldn't stand living around them after they moved in the neighborhood were she grow up. She said is was mostly Whites (poor Whites) while she was a kid, then the Mexicans/illegals moved in and the neighborhood became a barrio. She knows the difference saw what a hell hole it became. Being poor doesn't make you trash, it's what you do that makes you trash and that's what we have in the barrios, trash.
I've said it before, but the original barrio in San Bernardino was clean 40 years ago. When the new arrivals began moving in, many of the inhabitaants sold out and moved into white neighborhoods.

A couple of years ago I worked with a retired Ventura County Sheriff who's parents were Mexican. His view was that it used to be that Mexicans came here to provide for their families, but now most come here now to get in on the relative gravy train, to sponge up all the freebies they can.

A Mexican from Guadalajara told me the other day that there are lots of women and children who have been abandoned in Mexico by fathers and husbands who have came to America. He also told me that there is a number of "undocumented" Mexican women with children in So. Cal. who are looking for white men: it seems they are looking for a relationship with legitimacy and security that a "Latino" can so easily lie about.

Maybe the words "Sugar Daddy" could apply to some of it.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-14-2009 at 08:16 PM.
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