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Old 08-15-2013, 07:54 PM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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Posts: 327

Sorry I wasn't able to get the photo's to post. I'm not sure if it's not working or I'm doing some thing wrong.

I'm not joking about this, but some guy, most likely an illegal , who had very broken English, just comes over to our area, which is in the shade under some trees, and just throws down a large American flag and tries to assemble it on two poles, one on each end.

He keeps it on the ground and just keeps walking on it as he tries to assemble it.
We were at first thinking, why in gods name is this guy doing this in the area?

Was he totally clueless or was he just trying to get in our faces?

We are not sure.

One slightly elderly Hispanic lady that was part of our group, was so appalled by the large flag that was all over the ground she actually went over and I think she tried to help him just to get the flag off of the ground.

Later, the illegal alien supporter started yelling at the older woman who was helping him, He was mostly yelling "This is my country!"

The woman that was with us was a Spanish speaker, but she refused to speak Spanish with the guy.

He never got physical with the lady, but we all gathered around and many video taped the guy yelling at the lady.

After the confrontation, I pointed out the the lady that this guy disrespects our laws, no respect for our flag, has no respect for women, and no respect for the elderly, absolutely no respect for anything!
And our politicians are bending over backwards to pander to people like him!

Actually to tell you the truth, the amnesty protesters were a big joke, mostly paid union members that were bussed in from LA.

Lots of expensive buses, and most of the union thugs just looked really uninterested in the whole thing.

There were the Mecha members with their red "Azlan" flags, quite a few young female Mecha girls in their red beret's, looking very "revolutionary".

There was one guy in his feather head dress.

In other words it was a big joke and the amnesty protestors displayed every cliche in the book.

The funny thing that none of the news reporters caught was how after a couple of hours, everybody left. all the amnesty demonstrators left at once,because it was a big phoney staged/choreographed event. The buses need to go back to LA, and everybody got on. Probably the unions didn't want to pay any overtime.

Then all that was left were the Americans and the locals.

Last edited by Greg in LA; 08-15-2013 at 08:08 PM.
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