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Old 08-05-2013, 10:32 AM
Greg in LA Greg in LA is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 327

I went to Howard McKeon's office today, video camera in hand.

I walked in unannounced, with my sack lunch just in case.

I spoke to their local immigration representative. She was startled by the surprise visit and wouldn't speak for the Congressmen, but her tone implied McKeon was willing to vote for some type of legalization for illegal aliens, but not citizenship. She asked me what organizations I belonged too, I told her Numerbers USA, FAIR, and Save our State. She said she had never heard of those organization. She then called a McKeon legislative aid in Washington, and we had a conference call with them.

I was in the office for about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

The legislative aid in Washington, that I was connected with was named Robert Yavor . He also had no information as to Congressmen McKeon's position on my questions. He wanted to know my position on those questions, I told him that Americans and Republicans were adamantly opposed to any type of legalization for illegal aliens.

I asked the legislative aid if McKeon was willing to support Eric Cantors "Dream Act" legislation? His response was "I do not know".

I asked him if McKeon was working to increase H1-B visas? Same answer, Don't know.

I asked if McKeon was supportive of any type of legalization for illegal aliens, same answer; don't know.

Is the congressmen willing to pledge to vote against any type of legalization for illegal immigrants: No comment.

I told the aid about our concerns that should any immigration legislation pass the House, we will betrayed in the conference committee with Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer and the bill will come back amnesty.

I also told him that the fact that Congressmen McKeon wasn't in Santa Clarita scheduling a town hall meeting, and had not issued any statements about the pending legislation showed that McKeon wasn't interested in hearing the voices of constituents, and was getting weak on the issue.

Later on during the meeting, the representative got a call from the DC office about my visit, she went to another room to take it privately.

I thanked her for meeting with me, but told her my questions were not answered and I might have to come back. She asked me not to post any video images of her, I told her that I couldn't guarantee that.

Over all the surprise of the visit, and the video camera was the only impact the meeting made. I only wish a dozen more people would make surprise visits to the office, as that would have hammered the message home.

Last edited by Greg in LA; 08-05-2013 at 11:25 AM.
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