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Old 05-05-2013, 08:26 AM
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StokeyBob StokeyBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
If only money had DNA, we could track it back to its source. The nonprofits comingle the funds they receive so when you ask where an exact single dollar came from there's little chance of tracking it. They comingle donations with grants and the only way to track the money back to the source it to do a complete audit, which no one would ever considering doing to their "morally bankrupt" nonprofit, especially a politician. Remember them trying to track the money given to ACORN? They just disappeared and popped up again with different clothes on, but continued to walk and talk the same corrupt song and dance.

The nonprofit I caught hiring for their phone banks was one here in Ventura County named CAUSE.

I think much of it is tracked. The sad part is that those who swore and oath to uphold such things all seem bought off.

It isn't just limited to illegal immigration. The whole dang barrel is rotten to the core.
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