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Old 05-04-2013, 06:54 PM
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StokeyBob StokeyBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Bob you're exactly right. I sent the alarms out way back about the nonprofits and how they suck up our tax dollars. They pull in millions, yet try to follow where all the money goes. That money just vanishes and then pops up at their political action committees (PAC) as the democrats slush fund. Where the politicians lobby for more tax dollars for the nonprofits. I've caught them using 501c3's to promote leftist causes advertising on Craigslist to hire people to work their phone banks. Yet no one ever says a word about this illegal practice. If it were conservatives doing it they'd have the FBI on it in a New York minute.
I'm thinking once you do catch on to how they are moving the cash they just find a new avenue.

I remember a while back it was brought to the attention of the government that medical services meant for United States citizens was being distributed to illegal aliens.

A trial was set.

I'm not sure what happened. I never heard the case making it before a judge. I think they all just worked together to funnel the funds through different channels and their problem went away. Shifted it right back on us, I imagine.
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