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Old 03-02-2013, 07:00 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post

Just when or where did I even mention OBAMA? Reading nothing except fox Dribble does that.
I joined Joe Turner's SOS and worked as hard as I could for his cause, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, AND CONTINUED WITH THE NEW SOS.
I never had a complaint. Why was I OK then?
I live by what I consider to be the right course for my life. Not a single one of you are better than me or the cause that I consider the right way. I will never fall into the hate Obama rants.
The kids on the play ground become the bulllies.
Gently & respectfully:

I think you are taking some things personal which are not meant personal towards you. I don't care if you are Democrat, purple, or eat Swiss cheese sliced from the moon. And, if it makes you feel any better, what SOS became after Joe left developed the proverbial hostile erection for me... and it became a racially oriented tyrannical parody of a personal political vehicle straying into far far right, indeed irrational, demagoguery rather than what it was originally intended to be. By contrast Davi is very tolerant concerning different points of view and has no appearance of running for political office. Nor has he financially stiffed any members in a time of personal hardship.

This is a discussion, I say what I think and if I find myself to be wrong as to a fact or belief I will admit it.

I stand by my belief that Obama is a lying, conniving bastard: his abuse of presidential power in the form of executive orders, his brazen pot calling the kettle black political offensives, and his obvious desire to dismantle and remake the United States into something far different than what we have historically been does nothing to change that belief.

If there is not a change in the course he has set for the nation, we will be just as equally impoverished and enslaved as the most insane Republican capitalist pipe dream agenda could ever accomplish...

I'm thinking Russian breadlines, the old Soviet medical system, Orwell fully realized, and a broken economy in which they pretend to pay us while we pretend to work... while the party hierarchy lives high on the hog.

There's a sucker born every second, and Obama was re-elected with the belief that there is indeed a free lunch, or at the least someone else pays for it. We're running out of "someone else".

I respect your right to disagree with my belief.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 03-02-2013 at 07:18 AM.
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