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Old 02-01-2013, 08:57 AM
americafirst americafirst is offline
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Default Protest suggestion...

I may have a different view on safety. Although I tried my best to be at most rallies in the past, I missed many due to my small kids and my wife who always had something for me to do. To make up for that I did most of my work online, focusing on liberals and democrats.
What got me excited was the evolution of liberals and how they were thankful to get facts to defend their anti-illegal alien viewpoints. Our views on this issue transcends the normal political lines. One example of this to show my point is that by friending the Barack Obama Facebook page, I had access to many we would consider pro-amnesty. After 100 pro amnesty comments on one posting I dropped an anti-amnesty fact and the following 500 comments were black and latinos urging the president to tell Calderon to fix his own country and stop dumping people here. The assumption is that liberals needed to see that other liberals feel the same way. That is my role.
Same thing with African American blogs and forums. So much sympathy with our side but "someone" has to say it first. This is what happened in Egypt.
So my suggestion is somewhere safe like Santa Monica where we just have to educate and inform. This recession had been hard on everyone. We could turn a day near the beach into a pleasant and rewarding experience.
I think the days going to Lynwood have passed.
Is anyone interested. Info booth at 3rd street promenade type of thing?
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