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Old 01-22-2013, 03:03 PM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
You obviously weren't in the red zones of the anti-war movement, although '67 might have been a bit before the momentum. Any real opposition to the war was often met with force, and it wasn't always the anti-war people that touched of a skirmish...or riot as they were often referred to. Expressing your opinion back then sometimes got you the cops...not any ethnic or pro-war groups. In that regard, we have it way better during our protest of illegal immigration. The tear gas ain't flyin' and you ain't getting billy clubbed or kicked by uniforms. Many of us were arrested for minor stuff for just being in the vicinity, but not necessarily attacking the cops.

I described my own personal experiences, not yours which are unknown to me and for which I'm not authorized to speak in any event. If you had different experiences that are eating away at your insides, go for it. You don't need permission from me. I note that you opted to stay in the US rather than to migrate to Cuba, Mexico or some other place for a "better life."

I also don't speak for anti-war protestors and certainly not for blacks in the South or any place else for that matter. Blacks with grievances don't need my help to proclaim their hatred of white people or to press their insatiable demands for "reparations" and other benefits incident to the legally favored level of citizenship to which they have been elevated.

I didn't mean to suggest that the US was an idyllic utopia in the 50's and 60's. It was not always a bed of roses for me, either.

I wrote an op-ed for my college newspaper the Black Student Union didn't like. They came to the newspaper office to attack me, trashed the place and beat up a white liberal whose bad luck was to be there instead of me. I guess we all look alike to them.

The liberal they beat up hated me. Is it not poetic justice that he got his ass kicked for something I wrote?

In the aftermath, I was called to the office of the College President to discuss this event. He asked me to "moderate" my writing style. I asked if any of the perpetrators would be prosecuted? He said, " Probably not. We must not over react!"

There you have it: Free speech liberal style, straight from the horse's...ah....mouth. This message, loud and clear, has resonated for the last half century throughout out America. If you're targeted for racially motivated violence by racial minorities, it's not their fault. IT'S YOURS!
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