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Old 11-09-2012, 03:20 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Almost incomprehensible - but not quite.

By all conventional wisdom and expert analysis that was accurate 100% of the time Mitt should have won handily ?

Talk about the main stream media !!!! What main stream. 30 of the nations newspapers endorsed Mitt at the last minute. Even some that had been traditionally Democrat supporters.

It just doesn't add up ???? How did so many of the savants, odds makers analysts get to be so wrong in predicting a landslide for mitt - popular vote, and 325 delegate votes. *( Personally was very confident that Mitt would take it ).

This President is far worse than Jimmy Carter and should have lost big time.
Jews apparently don't care that much about Israel !
Blacks don't seem to mind over 15% unemployment overall and 50% in the inner Cities.
Young people apparently don't care if they can't find a job after college.

So what are the media, and pundits, saying? They are blaming the loss on everything from the Frankenstorm Sandy to Chris Christie complimenting Obama for helping New Jersey to Santa Claus.

So here's my take:

71% of Hispanics voted for Obama.
73% of Jews voted for him.
90% of blacks voted for him.
Apparently large numbers of young people voted for Obama.

The numbers of Hispanics have increased from 15% to 17%.
Blacks from 11% to 13%.
Jews are apparently still in relatively small numbers overall.
Over 100 million have been added to the population in the last couple of decades, 200 million to 300 million.

So was racism a factor? - ABSOLUTELY yes.
42 million on food stamps, a huge increase.
Amnesty - the dream act.
Free cell phones.

The people that - want stuff - now outnumber the people who want success, jobs, lower taxes, adequate defense, secure borders. 49% of the population is now on some sort of public assistance !!!!!!!!!!

So where do we go from here? What does the future hold ?

In the long term, by mid century, whites will be in the minority. It does appear that America is headed down the road of South Africa. The minorities will rule.
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