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Old 10-05-2012, 06:51 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I have heard a significant enough amount of statements from Britons concerning Pakistanis and south Asian Indians flooding England to well understand what inspires the piece.

And it is true that unrestrained illegal immigration as well as other, excessive migration into America is detrimental, and needs to be meaningfully addressed.

On the other hand, I will remind that race does not define nationality or patriotism.

America was and is an exceptional country, the experiment never before tried in the world. However, the true damage to our country is being wrought from within, working within the system to several agendas to change America into something other than what made it great.

Illegals are the symptom, not the disease itself. The clock can't be turned back, but if there is any hope of salvaging what is left we have to recognize that we have the same problems which bedevils England: Far left kumbaya politicians who hate the nation and its history, exploitative native employers, and a "progressive" educational system - all serving to tear apart the national fabric.

All that needs to be addressed or the effort will be misguided and will fail.

Parting shot:

Savagery takes many forms, might be equally apply to those who are all on the rampage for race obsessed, discriminatory, privilege seeking, redistributive "social justice" and others who consider that "patriotism" is defined by unquestioning loyalty to a far right, narrow, race obsessed, dogmatic agenda.

The only difference between white racists, brown racists, black racists, American Indian racists, and "Asian" racists is that they work different corners of the same street but they all pimp the same whore.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 10-05-2012 at 07:08 PM.
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