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Old 09-12-2012, 06:13 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I don't believe the bit about money flowing to brown race groups for control for one microsecond..
I do. Our government and the various factions that seek to control it have been using our wallets to worm their way into various factions of other movements for decades. It doesn't always work, but they see no reason not to keep trying.

Let the race stuff go. Almost everyday I find someone new with origins in the barrio whose father or grandfather might have listened to Ranchera music with his drunk buddies on the porch, but played the Mills brothers or Mitch Miller in the house (not always the case, but frequent enough). Those people and their descendants aren't the same people who come here now, and while varying numbers might agree with you on certain things, they will bitterly oppose you and your stand because of your perceived racism
That's right. And you know what else? Racism doesn't work. It's a failed enterprise that people like Reagan and his predecessors were convinced to abandon. They may still have believed in it, but as politicians they embraced a new concept at the behest, encouragement, and possibly force, of some of those powers I mentioned earlier. You can't equate the color of a person's skin with their culture's failings, or even their educational level. There are various levels of intelligence within all races. Whites have the same potential to be seen as classless and ignorant as do aboriginal natives. The term "white trash" or "trailer trash" got started somehow, eh? As a 60 year old half-breed, I can tell you I've had my clock cleaned by quite a few people shades darker than myself. Likewise, I've met quite a few people with slanted eyes that have taught me a whole lot of things I never learned from any white school teachers. Truth is, that if you value advancement, you must take it whereever you find it, and don't close of any avenues. What's really important is that you sharpen your ability to discern the good people from the bad..or ignorant.. Choosing them by race is a sure way to fail in that endeavour
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