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Old 09-11-2012, 08:11 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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There is a notion of California succession which has been around something like 60 years, the name of it is Aztlan and "they" would be more than happy to jump on that bandwagon. And, in an interview a few years ago, Jose Angel Gutierrez predicted that America would soon be broke and that's when Aztlan would be established. In other words, they get nothing but an empty bag racial empire that the elderly architects of the empire still alive (such as Gutierrez himself) will, but probably no one else, be ecstatic with. Consider LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, former ruthless UCLA Mechista who went to school on the white man's money and who has followed the brown racist "plan" mapped out by original old school 1960's Chicanos throughout his political career and who is now enjoying corrupt political privilege: where's he going to hide when the welfare money and whatever jobs are left for "his race" in LA county runs out?

However, everyone needs to get over the idea that "white" is "American" and "Brown" is "Mexican", including Vdare with your reported article concerning "whites" in California. In spite of rhetoric from both sides, Gutierrez, Villaraigosa and their brown racist buddies are Americans subverting America from within. They have succeeded largely because they have often injected race where white racism wasn't a part of their mostly contrived issues, so why help them make their case with further racial polarization?

What most of the problem is, besides citizens not demanding accountability from their governments, is the overlapping effort on many levels (and to several different agendas) to deconstruct everything America was, including the American creed - superior in spite of national faults of not entirely adhering to the creed throughout its history - the creed which made America the greatest nation on earth. International corporateers (markets free of borders), business (cheap labor), Politicians (catering to future constituency or business interests) the far left (European style socialism), ethnic nationalists (Aztlan), and misguided youth in rebellion against the older generation (social movements and revolutions are usually kicked off by middle class college graduates and students - the educated and relatively priviliged, not the downtrodden masses they claim to represent - and sometimes invent - and with who those masses may not personally identify with and may vehemently disagree with what "social revolutionists" ultimately do in spite of all the promises).

The confusion engendered by illegal immigration of who is who or what is what is a highly visible part of the big picture, with those responsible for illegal immigration hiding in the background. Why do entities such the Ford foundation or others dominated by the likes George Soros as well as parts of American governments from local to federal give funding to race obsessed brown supremacist organizations? See the preceding paragraph.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 09-11-2012 at 09:21 AM.
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