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Old 09-10-2012, 08:54 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Greg in LA View Post
Ayatollah, I have to admit that you're right about the apathy and laziness in regards to illegal immigration. Americans in California are sheep.

I was reading one article on that came to the conclusion that Mexicans in California are not the problem it's the Whites that are.

The reason I think succession in California will gain strength, is because of the fiscal problems and to some extent illegal immigration. If and when the debt problem in California becomes a real crisis and is unmanageable Part of the state may need to succeed to escape the crushing debt. Cities can declare bankruptcy, but states can't. What I am saying is large parts of Ca may move to succeed to escape the crushing debt and thereby shoving the old debt onto the part that doesn't make the move. Areas might join the bandwagon of succession just to get out of the debt burdens. The new border lines may be greatly effected by Republican / Democratic areas and the constituency and demographics that caters to those two groups.

I know that you're correct that this would lead to a whole new set of problems, buy if it is seen as financially expedient the issue might be seen as practical.

First off, whites are not the problem; the problem is voters and citizens of the state who are all races. It matters not if you are white, black, brown, or yellow. what matters is that you don't get involved with your government.

secondly, if there ever was any succession, you can bet your ass it will be by a newer regional government that encompasses mexico and souther california, and not any citizens escaping debt. the open borders lobby has been setting the stage for something like this for two decades. they'd be the only ones to profit heavily from a collapsing California government. They're eager as hell to hear talk of succession, but they'd be rubbing their hands like flies on stinky sh!t. Our constitution would be lost, and some other wretched writ would be substituted in its' place, and that would not be something you would be celebrating.
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