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Old 03-16-2012, 06:55 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
Note this at the end of the article:

I wonder what that hate speech was? Don style commentary, froth mouth Mexica movement rhetoric, or well reasoned commentary concerning illegal entry and its defenders?
They removed at least 80 comments, much of it supportive of us, and a lot that was related to same sex marriage. I think Mr Morain was trying to tie the two together for purposes of getting the gay supporters to pile on me because he knew there would be little support for the poor mayor. that wasn't working either. Don't know if the gay support wing saw through his scheme, or whether they don't want to be seen as pro-illegal either.

Mr Morain is a terrible manipulator. More people see through his schemes than not. Doesn't stop him of course.

On the geraldo radio show yesterday, he asked whether I went there to "ambush" Villar. I'd just like to say that my chance passing him hardly qualifies for an ambush. The meetings at the capitol often drag on for hours, as did that one. I came in the middle of it. Villars testimony could have been at any point during that meeting, and there's no schedule printed on that. Also, he could have left the building at any of at least 4 public entrances, and several secured, non public ones. Those aren't posted in advance either. It was just pure chance. The only relevant factor on my part is that I spend more time at the state capitol than your average villar hater.

Also, Villar is a media and adoration hound, kind of like our old seer-less leader, the cockroach. He likes the spotlight. loves it actually. He wants people to see him and his entourage like a kings procession. Being up here though, he probably didn't expect to run into people who dislike him. He most likely thought it was fertile ground to expose himself to adoring fans, after all, the capitol houses quite a few mexican sympathizers, brown racists, and illegals lovers.
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