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Old 03-05-2012, 10:11 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
Yes, those are the ones. It is not difficult to tell the difference when you talk to them.

You are so correct about Sotomayor.
The last three Supreme Court appointments were complete failures, that is John Roberts, Sotamayor and Egan. It will take a long time to correct those mistakes.

I posted once in the early primary that there was only one that I had any good opinion of. I did not want to name who, but it was Jon Huntsman.
I hope Santorium has sealed his campaign with his remarks about JFK and the 'being a snob if a person is encouraged to attend college.
I don't think higher education or even trade school has hurt any one.
Sorry to say that "higher" education is not necessarily an education in MANY of our colleges and universities today, it's an indoctrination. Yes, a "higher education" has hurt society when the students are taught in classes like Chicano Studies or for that matter many of the "studies" classes. Women are taught that men are the enemy in Woman Studies, the USA is the enemy in Chicano Studies and so on. Much of our education system is not necessarily teaching students that we are a "United" States, it's teaching a Divided States in order to gain a specific segment of society to exploit for an agenda that is called "Change". Remember how much that word has been used in recent years? But it is their type of change and that agenda is only supporting certain segments of society. Divide and conquer, you see it happening at a fast pace today.

Have whole towns "Changed" in the past 30 years? Has much of the change been for the better? Some would say yes and point to one specific incident as an example, but as a whole the change in our social structure has made it much more fragile and that is a danger to all. But Divide and conquer is working and that is being taught in our schools.

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 03-05-2012 at 10:13 AM.
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