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Old 03-04-2012, 11:11 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Quote:"It is illegal to discriminate against anyone concerning race or national origin. Any employer so blatant to do so will swiftly appear in court."

Ilbegone, I wish that statement were totally true, it's not. MANY of the minorities/immigrants will discriminate on hiring without giving it a second thought. And use the excuse that they need someone who can speak their language to converse with the customers; especially when there's enough of that culture in an area that they do not have to cater to US citizens. We have so many saturated areas now that many of the immigrants/illegals have created their own segregation; something this country spent many years and billions of dollars to eliminate. Often those same immigrant/illegals will cry discrimination if it means an economic gain, yet given the opportunity many create their own segregation and micro-economic systems and will admit to each other they want 'their' people all around them. There is this type of 'self discrimination' in most people; the desire to be around the familiar. But when you immigrate to another country one should not expect to have the 'familiar' so much that it disrupts those that are citizens of that new country.

There are large groups on both sides of this issue, but it is the predominate side (those pro-La Raza) that are give a large stage to spew their garbage.
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