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Old 12-12-2011, 06:39 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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As every one I know is in the Christmas Mood and happily shopping......and YES giving, here is Don, deep in his usual ranting against any one who is not WHITE. Get over it dude, look in your family history, you could find some surprises.
I had a Swedish boss once, he was saying how he was a full blood Swede but laughed and said "But who knows who comes over the back fence?"
I am never soft on crime however, I wonder what you would say to a White rape against a non white? Got any feelings on that ?

You must have spent a lot of time searching for the info to post for us. We all already know about all the sex crimes and deplore all of them.

Now get your self out and start signing up some of those Stop The Dream Act petitions.
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