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Old 11-29-2009, 12:37 PM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
Continent Thief
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Tralfamador
Posts: 454

Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
Something else to think of...

I believe I'm partially responsible for Kele being beaten by the un-virtue of running my mouth in the old Dissenter's Paradise.

At that time I enjoyed pissing them off, said a lot of disrespectful things to them. And, I wasn't at the event where she was cut off and pounded.

It's real easy to to anonymously run an alligator mouth on the web. But in doing so, I endangered other people.

So, with the benefit of hindsight, I believe it is much better not to say anything on this site that you probably wouldn't say to their face. Particularly if you would get a deserved ass beating for doing so.

You have to have credibility, and my actions at that time lended none either to myself or to the organization.
I think you're blaming yourself unnecessarily. There has always been trash talk between us and them, and that's the nature of the beast. Do you really expect that being nice to goons is going to make them treat us better? Please! I don't mean to put you down here, but that's kind of like the idea that we need to be nicer to Islamic fundamentalists who may be potential terrorists in the hope that they'll be less likely to do us harm.

Ich Bin Ein Arizonan!

"I entirely reject the concept, however, of "anchor babies." If parents are found to be here illegally, then the whole family, children as well, should be sent back to the parents' country of origin."

Last edited by LAPhil; 11-29-2009 at 12:47 PM.
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