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Old 10-22-2011, 05:30 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by The Waco Kid View Post
You were one of the Chelene brigade and you followed her and did your share to support her; some of which included bashing of Gilchrist and others who would not put up with her BS, so maybe Susan is referring to older events. All I know is you seemed to be extremely pro-Nightinhell /anti Gilchrist and I am sure many others got that impression.

And as long as we are talking about these petty sort of things I would like to say to you that you need to stop being so rude when I call in to support SOS radio. You go out of your way to disagree; if I were to say the grass is green and the sky is blue you would disagree. Let's face it here that kind of tude is not going to get us anywhere. I have bent over backwards be polite and ignore your attitude because I realize you have a difficult life but if you continue being so rude I am not going to support SOS radio anymore. I have better things to do that to suffer the petty rudeness of someone who has some sort of childish ax to grind.

We are on the same side you know so why not let your hostile feeling go? I am here to support the issue not to get into nonsensical arguments over nothing. Thanks.

You are so wrong on so many levels. Never once did I ever say anything against Jim Gilchrist, NOT ONCE! Again I’ll repeat that so you can be sure you got it right, NOT ONCE. It seems you’re trying to test the waters here and drugging up something that never happened. I never took side with regards to Gilchrist or Gheen. It wasn’t my battle! But you sure seem more than willing to conjure up something. And as far as supporting Chelene, yes, I supported all the events she arranged and the effort put in arranging them. I have always said Chelene put a great deal of effort and time into SOS. That’s a fact. Just because you did not like her, doesn’t change that fact. She may have had ulterior motives, but putting those aside, she put in a great deal of time and effort into SOS. Even today, I respect that effort and I don’t put any energy into tearing her apart. I don’t have much respect for her exploiting SOS for personal gain, but that’s what people do when they’re trying to climb the political ladder. Her battle with others is between her and them, not with me.

There were limits to my support and what was actually happening in the background that you were not privy to. But I was treated "very hostile" by you and your cohort in the past, and I’m keeping you at arms length. I don’t expect everyone to hold hands and do sing-alongs together. But in the past, when things went bad, I didn’t say I’m taking my marbles and going home. I stuck in there and worked at keeping SOS viable. There were some members I didn’t care for, but I have always said, “I am not here to make friends” and that you can quote me on.

As far as being rude to you, yes I was! But because you kept interrupting me and I just got fed up with it. What you chose to do is your choice. But don’t tell others that anyone kicked you out or banned you, leaving will be your own choice. You can take your marbles home with you or you can stay. SOS will still go on. My goal is to support the causes in SOS’s mission statement. I’m keeping my marble in play.

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 10-22-2011 at 05:45 PM.
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