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Old 10-19-2011, 10:14 AM
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The Waco Kid The Waco Kid is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 81

Well we all know Chelene damn near ruined the group's last shred of credibility and in order to do all the damage she did she had to have an abundance of "useful idiots" to do her bidding. Anyone who truly was a thinking person and didn't blindly follow was black balled and smeared, but you know that as well as anyone. An unfortunate fact but of course there are still people who care deeply about this issue ( I am one of those ) and I will continue to support SOS in any way I can.

I've noticed some people who are the most active in this movement seem to somewhat shy away from SOS when I attempted to secure them as guests on SOS radio but I am working on that and trying to restore good will with certain heavy weights in the anti illegal scene. My name is still respected by many and I intend to use that.
My name is Jim but most folks call me...... Jim.
~The Waco Kid~
Blazing Saddles
circa 1974
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