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Old 11-27-2009, 06:27 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by usa today View Post
Boy do I feel a need to reply to this thread

Since I know all these people in one way or another.

I've said for many years that our cause is going to be lost unless we can all stop the petty squabbles , We are killing ourselves , Not for lack of good people involved but by the way we all fight with each other. Don't let PC ruin this board or turn it into a money grubbing org like alipac
Petty squabbles are not necessarily cause-killers. Husbands and wives, sibling, workers, and other intertwined people skirmish and fight with each other without ending the relationships or causing the breakdown of societies. People fight because they don't entirely agree. Silencing one of the combatants just results in one party having interminable contempt for the other. The open borders lobby tries to silence us for good of America, how do you feel about that? And why shouldn't they; After all, they know what's best, right?
We can fight with each other to flesh out truths, facts, and differences, and still fight as a unified front on that with which we do agree.

On the PC thing: Alot of people don't care for the use, or overuse of certain terms. Doesn't mean they have succumbed to political pressure. It could mean they grew up having those terms applied to them unfairly, or they just plain don't like the sound of them
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