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Old 07-06-2011, 08:56 AM
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willworkforfood willworkforfood is offline
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Posts: 174

Palin shot a lone wolf from a helicopter, I could never vote for her just for that reason! And the whole "Going Rouge!" is kinda hokie too! But the lone wolf killed it for me!

Michelle Bachmann raised 5 kids of her own and 28 foster kids! She can definitely multi task! She's a tax attorney so she can stop all these tax exempt organizations from receiving federal and state funds. And she may have done a couple of stupid things, but come on our President now and many in the past are complete dumbasses! She has a B- at numbersUSA and I believe with your help we can bring her grade up!

I'd really like Herman Cain to win, for my own selfish reasons! Ron Paul is a good man he just lost me when he said "It's impossible to deport 12million illegal immigrants!" (jaw drop) it's not impossible! It's as easy to deport as it is easy for them to get in here!
"Deportation, is Job Creation!"
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