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Old 06-25-2011, 06:08 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Add it up !

Two plus two:

* BATF promoted the illegal sale of guns to straw purchasers.

* Agents only tracked the traffickers a short distance then broke off and did not follow. Not even in the USA let alone in Mexico.

* American agents in Mexico were kept in the dark !

* The Mexican Government and Mexican law enforcement was kept in the dark.

* The Arizona mountain top drug cartel lay up areas, LP/OP's lookout posts/ observation posts were known to at least four US Federal agencies for years but were routinely ignored and neglected.

* DHS fudged the numbers and used a switcheroo on fence building. The double fence mandated by congress was not built. Vehicle barrier fencing, consisting of old rail road rails, was installed instead and in lieu of the specified fencing.

* Prior to that a failed, ill conceived "virtual fence, high tech project was undertaken awarding a multi billion dollar contract to Boeing which failed miserably and wasted several years.

* DHS persisted in deception by omission, attempting to conceal border incidents , using FBI town and city crime statistics to persuade the public that the border was "as safe as it has ever been".

* DHS posted signs warning the public to keep out of areas that were high drug trafficking environments !

* DHS issued orders to Border Patrol to stop apprehending border jumpers and to instead turn them back across the border so as to make the numbers decrease and hoodwink the public into thinking that DHS was being effective and successful.

* DHS issued orders to stop deporting illegal aliens that were other than hardened criminals, e.g, an amnesty program that bypassed Congress.

* Internal enforcement of companies hiring illegals aliens has fallen off dramatically.

* Ten out of ten computer experts have declared that the last "birth certificate" just released recently is a manufactured, forged counterfeit.

* A 22 page criminal complaint was sent to the FBI. I think they are investigation.

Border rancher John Ladd said the DHS immigration policy is not to secure the border. It is to appease politicians.

The CBP union soundly rejects aspects of the DHS current border policies.


Last edited by wetibbe; 06-25-2011 at 06:23 AM.
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