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Old 06-18-2011, 08:45 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 406

Hey AG great work you've done as usual. I am not very surprised by what police reaction you got. I got the same in Crawford Texas, Los Angeles and a few other cities and states. There are some good cops but they will turn on you when ordered to do so.

The illegals which we may point out to them engaging in loitering or selling services or food items without a license are untouchable. The cops will not bother with them.

It hurts to see our countrymen treated like trash by "our" policemen.

That is why police are not trusted by citizens anymore. They have been turned into revenue and citizen control agents. They are no longer perceived to be the heroes we thought them to be when we were kids.

These days cops are around to control the populace as required by government.
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