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Old 05-28-2011, 03:13 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Posts: 1,003

This "article" appeared for one of two reasons, Davi.

1. You have stopped or reduced your responses to his e-mails and Jeff is trying to get your attention.

2. The public derision and complaints Chelene receives, just about every time she publicly pokes her head outside (i.e. makes a public statement or appearance) of this quirky, Central Valley centered little sub-culture into which she has ingratiated herself (Ron Paul/9-11/Chemtrails/Barry Soetoro/Bilderberg Group/NWO/The Republic/, etc.), have been working.

What was one or two people has become a chorus. She has a history and its following her, and she probably doesn't like it. I'm confident those half dozen critics she endured when she posted on behalf of Ted, on Facebook, left her a bit flummoxed, and she and her associates are unsure how to address it b/c (I think to their surprise) there wasn't an expiration date when she lost the election.

Last edited by; 05-28-2011 at 03:17 PM.
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