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Old 05-20-2011, 10:04 AM
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The Waco Kid The Waco Kid is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I am glad to see that you at least realize that I am entitled to my opinion. At least you know that much. I am not in any kind of corner, I just know from experience what a know everything and it will be by way, will keep this going until some one closes the thread.
The most I can say about both of the Belles is they don't know what they are babbling about and they just plain get on my nerves.

I will also remind you that you were the Acid Mouth of the old SOS, so chew on that.

It should be common knowledge that if a poster posts something a few others do not agree with, they think they can and will attack. Go ahead, doesn't bother me. My opinions are still the same and I will always go with my own beliefs.

Phil, I gave my reasons in my post. And Chris M was not the person who made the funny. It was a guest on some program, I really don't remember who.
There you go, you cannot tell us one thing of substance to support your ad hom attacks on Palin and then to compound the nonsense you personally attack me with childish name calling. You can stick your head in the sand "and know what you know" but that will never provide you with a cogent argument to back up what you say, therefore most thinking people will dismiss your statements for what they are, empty declarations. Your approach is quite simple and a tactic liberals use all the time. Ask a simple yes or no question and they don't answer but instead change the subject and launch a straw man argument. Do you understand the difference of Opinion and fact? I think not, people who blindly follow the main stream media without reviewing the facts are the reason with now have president BO.

Now I know you think Sara and Michelle are babbling and it gets on your nerves, however that sounds like something an overwrought housewife blurts out in a moment of frustration & sheer emotion when she can't control the kids, no thought behind it, just a visceral reaction.

It all comes down to intellect verses emotion. People who base their opinions upon factual substance are those to be taken seriously while the ones basing opinion upon emotion are usually uninformed and very easily dismissed. They are nonetheless still entitled to their opinion just as I am entitled to not take them seriously.

Love ya babe,
Old Acid Mouth
My name is Jim but most folks call me...... Jim.
~The Waco Kid~
Blazing Saddles
circa 1974

Last edited by The Waco Kid; 05-20-2011 at 10:06 AM. Reason: typd
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