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Old 05-19-2011, 05:54 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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I am not too much for typing long post but here is my answer to Phil and Iwillwork.
True, this is my first time to hear from Iwillwork so, he/she is New to me.

My opinion of Palin, and I have said this before, she thinks of her self as a smart beauty queen. She is a smart mouth without a brain. She actually thinks she is Presidential Material.

Bachmann is another loud mouth who wants to be Queen and will go to any length to be one. She is another one who would love to see people tearing each other apart.

I see and hear the same things everyone else here does. I make up my own mind about what is said and what fiddle is played by all.

Just have to tell you about a funny I heard a few days ago. Some commentator said Bachmann makes Palin look intelligent.
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