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Old 05-15-2011, 04:39 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
...And, come to think of it, exactly which of these Mexicans are showing that kind of performance to represent the US internationally anywhere, in any field?

The reality is that Mexicans in this country are pretty mediocre at best. Every time I see somebody who might be from South or Central America, I think "Oh crap, what are they screwing up now?"

"Made in Mexico" means you might as well throw away your hard earned money.

People say we need all this illegal labor. Need it? Maybe. Want it? No way.
The girl isn't Mexican, she's an American by more than one definition. And there is no way that she would be regarded by Mexican nationals as being Mexican, regardless of what the Mexican consulate is trying to pull off.

As a top scholar and athlete, Elly hopes to attend college on a soccer scholarship and already has been approached by a school in Minnesota.

Even taking advanced placement calculus, U.S. history and English language and comprehension this year, she said she never missed practices.
She may be unusual with her success in studies, she will probably be indoctrinated with brown racism in her higher education, and she will certainly have a viewpoint concerning her parents, but you can't call the girl "mediocre" or a "screw up".

My point in the above post is that if there were a soccer team that accepted "white American or northern European only" rather than from Mexico or of Mexican origin, there would be a great hypocritical outcry concerning racism and the ACLU, MALDEF, the brown racial groups, and maybe even the US Department of Justice (suing California over an inmate's beard, suing a San Joaquin valley landlord over allegation of sexually harassing a tenant) would be in the middle of it.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 05-15-2011 at 04:58 AM.
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