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Old 05-10-2011, 01:05 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post

Whenever I have a couple of glasses of wine I usually loosen up and say things that are somewhat risque. Like now!

Please, drop it. Zip, it up. Don't respond any more.

I've been kicked off of many websites. Take it from an old salt. Never, ever engage in an argument with the administrator/owner. It is a foregone conclusion that you will lose.

I think you are level and a valuable contributor. Truth be known that I agree with you. In our democracy peope are completely entitled to their likes, dislikes and yes even racism. But these websites are not democratic.


Bill Tibbe
Bill, when it comes to race there's no right or no wrong. Each side of the issue has a point. But what has happened is race has been used as a weapon and no matter how or who approaches the subject, it will be distorted by someone either reading it or writing it.

That does not mean it should not be discussed, but to keep it within our guidelines we try to keep it to a minimum. Because no matter what is said, someone will be offended. Discussing it is a loser for both the person writing and the person reading. This is not because what is being said is not the truth, but because there is often so much to be said to the contrary, and it is up to the reader or writer to view it with the experience they've had.

I could tell you of many Blacks, Hispanics and Asians that are so level headed and understand exactly how race is being exploited to justify so many wrongs. Do I paint with a wide brush and include them when I speak against this exploitation? It is a hard balancing act when talking about race, and as I've often said, the written word is often misunderstood simply by how it is read.
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