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Old 05-01-2011, 04:42 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I first heard of Trump's choice of the f-bomb the other day from condescending bubble heads on CNN and MSNBC who were sniggering over the idea that Trump might run for president. They're just not getting the discontent in this country over Obama's wayward stewardship of the presidency.

On the other hand, I don't believe Trump would be a good fit for president. Schwarzenegger learned the hard way that big talk from an entertainer isn't necessarily transformed into legislation enacted. As possible with Trump, the guvernator was elected by a public very weary of the status quo. And what did the public get in return? More of the same but less effectual. He alienated politicians on both sides of the isle who shoved it all back up his ass.

So, what Republican candidate could capture the American imagination? King George's second term came about as a fear of Democrats, Obama was elected because Capitol Hill Republicans became insufferably arrogant over Bush's second win to assume a tone deaf mandate. Will the public be disgusted enough with all the damage Obama and his minions have wrought to elect a Republican as president? Or can the Republican party even field a capable , believable contender? Or will they put up a loser who guarantees Republican defeat and Obama's second term?

We'll see.

For the record, I despise the two major parties equally and most of the other parties seem to me to be full of fringe lunatics and village idiots.
Well what I see is a public that is fed up with the "politically correct" crap. Trump threw that concept in the trash and the public responded. Whether he's a good candidate or not may not be as important as the response he received when doing it.
What the others running in the race need to take note is the response of the people to what Trump is saying and they need to recognize that the public is fed up with dickering around the issues. They want straight talk and issues addressed that relate to all the people, not just the liberal lefts "cuddly nanny takes care of you" stuff. The public is really fed up.
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