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Old 04-16-2011, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Ronbass View Post
Border Security and Immigration Enforcement activists need to sue the enablers in court or indict them through peoples grand juries.
Legal action seems to be the only legal way to force these people to do their jobs and obey the constitution or remove them from their positions.

But the question was asked previously; where are the lawyers on our side.

If we don't try it we'll never know whether it will work.

The other side has been dragging us into court for many years now.

A NJ County Sheriff told me that he would not enforce immigration laws agains illegal aliens because he did not want to be sued civilly for racial profiling and then have to come up with about $60,000 to defend himself.

As a matter of fact Arizona got dragged into court and lost the first round.

Sued by the two biggest race hustlers in the country at this time. Obama and Holder.

The civil rights movement has got this country in a strangled hold.

They sue us and we sue nobody.

Instead of going for the big fish like Napolitano, Holder or Obama we should practice on lesser enablers so we can get the hang of it, then as we get better at it go for the big ones.

I'm in: What organization do I send my first donation to.
There is nothing organized for bringing legal action against governmental immigration scofflaws that I know of. I bring it up because it may be possible and because we don't seem to have all the tools we need.

Years ago, in the old SOS, I brought up what I believe to be the necessity of having a legal defense fund. I think it was drowned in all the shouting by some about "blood in the streets" and other stuff I view as unnecessary and exploitable.

Look at how "they" are doing it - and toss aside anger and perhaps even hatred - look at it dispassionately; anger gets in the way of judgment and can be used against you.

As racist and far out there as many of "they" are in the pro illegal movement (and get away with it), they have one thing going for their movement. "They" are dedicated and they don't give up - they believe in what they do. They have a goal, they chip here and there, and they hang on to whatever they have gained. it adds up, and even though a number of them make their living off of racial discord and skimming undoubtedly occurs accumulating wealth doesn't seem to be a large factor in what most of them personally do for their cause.

There is a lot of pro bono and low cost on the pro illegal side.

And they put their egos aside and work together. Mostly, it is not about "I". The far left American political spectrum in general is not about "I", and they get much assistance from it.

Because of the backlash in the 60's against about much of what was before and worming their way into government, as minority organizations they have access to grants and funding just not accessible to us. There will be a lot of effort into continually campaigning for funds from the public. And, the donars will need to see results.

An organization to which members and others entrust with donations has to be accountable for the funds. One side of the house takes the money in and accounts for income, the other side pays the bills and accounts for expenditure. The middle accounts for the the flow between the two. And there are audits by at least two who are not a party to either side or the middle. Embezzlement will kill any effort - if not immediately, it will once suspicion and accusations go public.

And it has to be about illegal immigration and those who aid and abet it. Once cannonades of "Hispanics doing this", "Mexicans doing that", "blood in the streets" and "armed revolution" rhetoric along with conspiracy theory a la "you know who" are unleashed credibility is damaged and it will be used to chip out the organization.

Personal differences and disagreements need to be taken care of out of public sight, and everything has to be squeaky clean or the ship goes down.

Illegal Mexican and other foreign nationals are tools of pro illegal "activists", they are not the organizers nor are they the attorneys who chip away at immigration law and immigration enforcement. Nor are they the "educators" who tell children that race requires loyalty to a foreign nation, sell ethnic nationalism to kids, and spin brown racism as "cultural pride". The distinction needs to be understood that while illegals need to be prevented from entering and need to be deported, it is American citizens of all races who create the draw and aid and abet illegal migration. Nor, as hard as some work to make it so on both sides, illegal immigration is not about race. Although primarily from families with generations of American citizenship and few or no immediate ties to current illegal migrants, there are plenty of Brown skinned people with Spanish last names who don't really sympathize with illegal aliens. That is, until some white yokels get loud with them with the "go back to Mexico" treatment when many of them might never have been to Mexico even as a tourist - and many who did were ripped off and screwed with even more than Mexicans will sometimes do to white Americans in Mexico: because Ortega or Gonzalez born In America somehow turned his back to Mother Mexico, even if he might eat beans with tortillas.

We don't need racial alienation.

Just my two cents.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-16-2011 at 08:03 AM.
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