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Old 04-09-2011, 06:04 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican View Post
All I know is that he made a personal attack against a patriot in defense of an illegal alien woman. Regardless of what his excuse is, his true colours are shown. We now know to what country he is allegiant.
I signed up for this board to try to get more active on the single issue of illegal immigration. I wish there were more events in this area, and I've offered to help.
I'm out on the streets on average three times a week trying to wake people up about the replacement of our constitution and national sovereignty with a multi-national oligarchy. I don't have time to argue online any longer.
If anyone wants to do anything locally, great.
Until then, I'm not going to listen to some communist make personal attacks on the internet. He can be civil and keep the righteous hate directed at this kind of moronic woman who thinks she's a second class citizen when she's not even a citizen separated from his wife, (who is likely of similar moral caliber as previously mentioned), or he can be a communist prick and back it up to my face. I've met well over a thousand local activists in the past five years since I got involved.

I question what someone with such clearly mixed loyalties is doing here if not a fed or troll.
That's a lot of empty words somewhat akin to propaganda.

You seem to be of the same cloth as the brown racist group, except for being on the opposite corner of the street.

Don't have an argument? Change the subject and throw out names - communist, white racist, fed, troll, vendido, "unpatriotic", doesn't matter - it's all the same crap. Loudness makes up for lack of substance in some people's minds.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-09-2011 at 06:09 PM.
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