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Old 03-27-2011, 09:07 AM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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PAM, I know how you feel. I am just as infuriated as you are. The question is what will we do?

wetibbe, I too love this. These videos demonstrate the racism that exists in the mind of so many latrinos. This needs to be shown not only to those that agree with us, but to those that have bought the "they are only coming here for a good life" line so many of the illegal alien enablers spout.

As I said before, if this video had been made by a person of European descent it would have been ALL OVER the local and national news. Because, however, it was made by a member of the "special" ethnicity, it does not get any airtime.

So where is Jesse and Al and the rest of the Blacks that rightfully decry the racist actions of whites on blacks? Where is the NAACP? Could it be that Ted's politics, particularly his support of George W. Bush, be the factor in their silence? Do these "leaders" and organizations only protect and serve blacks that serve their liberal "massas"?

Make sure this video gets out.
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