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Old 03-24-2011, 08:07 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican View Post
You know, he's at least making an intelligent argument as to what he thinks is a major problem affecting America adversely.
You're just belittling an American Patriot with anti-intellectualism and strawman arguments.
I'd offer to put it in simple words you can understand as "mentioning the fact that a certain number of wealthy zionists control the media and lobby congress heavily with that money for israel's interests, not American interests, does not mean one blames all jews for those same actions" but seeing as you're the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, I'm afraid you're too stupid to understand such an argument.
So how about this simple one: "he didn't mention jews, you did."
or how about an even better one:
If you like israel better than America, then f**K off home before we send you back.
Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
You've got this all wrong. Don has a history of making blatantly anti-Semitic statements on this forum. He doesn't have to mention the Jews every time: it's quite obvious where he's coming from. And don't assume I equate anti-Semitism with being anti-Israel, because I assure you I know the difference. You're the one making the straw man argument when you say I'm the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, and frankly I find you rather disgusting for saying that. I'm not the stupid one here, you are.
Everyone is a little bit right here. I doubt any of us are actually stupid. If we were, we'd be walking around with a smile on our face as our country and state goes to But instead, we are angry, hostile, and aggravated. I'd like to blame the jews, but then there's that pesky Catholic church (genuflecting) who is always lobbying for amnesty. I'd like to blame the democrats, but then there's republicans like McCain and ...waht's that other illegal lovers' name..._________________. I'd like to blame the bilderbergs, but then there's the small contractors that I've followed to single family homes after they've hired 3 illegals at the day labor center here. Suffice it to say that there are many suspects to blame. What I won't do is blame any of you....even if you blame me because I'm a half bred hispanic. Illegal is in my blood you know
We're not always going to love or like each other; It's natural to be suspicious too. Try not to let it halt your work in the immigration law enforcement area, or protecting our sovereignty.
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