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Old 03-23-2011, 06:53 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 406

I do not see a need for our presence in the Middle east at all. If our government had done its job and fulfilled its obligations to the people that they represent our borders would be secure, we would have achieved energy independence, gasoline would probably go for less than $1.50 a gallon at most, and our economy would be sound.

This "affliction" that has our government sending our military all over the world wherever there is civil unrest or war will in time see its way here too as foreign armies land on our shores to "help us out".

Oh happy day. I can see that coming some day soon if we are unfortunate enough to be unable to get intelligent, reasonable men and women to replace the rabble that is now running an ruining this nation.

My guess is that we will have within twenty years time less than fifty states in the Union and a Federation or alternate coalition of states living under our founding documents .

As for the Arabs, the Muslim Brotherhood my be the binding force active in uniting all of the Middle East against the USA with a plan to give us the "payback" they feel we deserve for having killed so many of their brethren.

Like George Washington said, "Avoid foreign entanglements".
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