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Old 03-22-2011, 11:51 AM
Cole Younger Cole Younger is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
Have you even read our mission/corporate statement?
Nope...but I just did...I still see no changes per se'

Mission statements mean little unless you actively pursue the implementation of them.

What I see on this site are copy and paste news article, emails, and a few comments. I see no forward looking plans to gain public support, membership, or activism political or otherwise. Maybe thats being discussed behind the scenes but if someone happened across this site they would never know it.

Maybe I am being a little unfair but having 50 active members from the old organization does not impress me. What is the goal? Are you thinking outside the box? How are you going to turn the situation around and grow? I don't see any brainstorming.

Has anyone looked at say the State assembly and senate and figure out there voting records on a number of issues, including subsidies for illegal immigration?

You currently have 50 active members. Maybe challenge them to find out where there state law makers stand on budget issues, immigration, unfunded liabilities, who lobbies them, are they good for the state or not etc. Are they involved in any political misdoings or scandals?

As far as the immigration fight goes, I would distance myself as far away from The MMP, ALIPAC, CCIR, SD Minuteman, etc...there leadership are all nuts and have lost sight of there goals..I am really amazed how idiotic these organizations became and the inflated ego's that accompany them is beyond belief. It appears none of them do anything constructive but they all have time to be destructive toward one another. If I were you, I would just delete the BS emails and other comments made. I know you like full disclosure and I respect that but full disclosure is not beneficial to acquiring new blood. To be honest, I see no need in having the old blood around causing trouble.

I suggest you acquire a new strategy. As long as the BS in the past is around, you may find it difficult to move forward. I honestly had no clue what was going on but I have a good idea now on whats been occurring and I will tell you many should be ashamed of themselves. Many have little to no moral character and zero leadership abilities. You lead by example and none of the idiots that claim to be leaders have a clue.

My 2 cents.
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