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Old 03-22-2011, 02:22 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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My long term housemate confessed yesterday that she is prejudiced against Mexican nationals but tries to keep it in check.

However, it pissed her off when she was at the hospital the day before and a guy checking on his wife having a procedure being done made a scene in Spanish about needing a translator, and he stood around for a while before one appeared. Having been informed about his wife in Spanish, the man had a seat next to his buddy in the waiting room and the two commenced a long conversation in English. He spoke like a native Californian, like he learned English in the home as a child.

The man was an asshole.

And Elena's parents were both born in Mexico, and she understood every word the man and translator said in Spanish.

Half the stuff in and around my house has a Spanish nick name, the radio in her vehicle is tuned to a Nortena station, and we have all the cactus and chile plants and all the rest.

A few weeks ago we were coming home and she commented that "It looks like a bunch of wetbocks live here".

She grew up in a different time, and a lot of that stuff that the "Latino advocates" endlessly carp about as though talking about current events did happen.

However, the crap that a lot of the kids are parroting now about stolen lands and white racism is learned in American schools.

You can't judge the book by the cover, there are all kinds of animosities and other fractures between all those people "Latino advocates" forever refer to as "my people", the "Latino community" is hardly a monolithic construction. The only thing which will shove them together at least temporarily is the carefully cultivated perception of white racism. The kids have been told in both languages for the last thirty or forty years the "THE WHITE MAN IS OUT TO GET YOU.

And a lot of them believe it while most white Americans are either clueless about what's going on or have been propagandized into believing it as well.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


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