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Old 03-20-2011, 06:12 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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I received an E-mail just the other day from Jim Gilchrist, full of fire and brimstone, saying he was initiating some more action.

Here in my part of the country there has been quite a dwindling of patriot action. Only a small handful still have fire in the belly. Seems they must be getting burned out. At the same time I see more and more politicians, congress, senate, Mayors, becoming more aggressive and responsive.

As to Police Chiefs and Sheriffs we, here, have always had the majority of them that don't want to get involved in immigration issues. It's not only the money excuse but also _ "not my job" - "too much work", "I don't get paid for that", "it's the Fed's problem". AND some are sympathetic to the poor beggars. The elected officials keep a sharp eye on voter attitude and they are prone to pandering for votes. New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie, as popular as he is with Republicans, is an outrages butt kisser to the Latino/Hispanic community.

Furthermore, Mayors and law enforcement are attacked viciously, and sued, by the ACLU, PRLDEF, Hispanics and sympathizers, liberals, socialists, communists when they try to enforce laws or pass anti-illegal immigrant ordinances.
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