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Old 03-17-2011, 08:13 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
Then why the re-entry permits?

I've posted articles about immigration problems in Japan before. It does have an immigration problem. There is the same rot there about allowing non-citizens to vote. There are serious national security problems because of North Koreans. And also, they insist on being educated in special schools like they are in North Korea. The Japanese suffer just like we do by being forced to act as a population relief valve for high birth rate countries like the Phillipines, and I'm guessing, China. And they hear the same lame pronouncements we do about how they are not reproducing fast enough to take care of themselves.
I'll admit I know very little about Japan and their immigration issues. I do gather that they have a population problem though, because you see alot of people in a very small area. I doubt they have a reproduction problem that they could not solve...if they actually wanted to. They might just be of a mindset that doesn't sign on to the theory that growth in numbers is prosperity. Unfortunately, the rest of the gene pool out there doesn't consider restraint an avenue worthy of considering.
The temporary workers though, have no long term stake in the country if they cannot become a citizen, so it's no wonder that they go when the going gets tough, and come back when it's rosy
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