Thread: Want a laugh?
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Old 02-10-2011, 10:28 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy

If you think that excessive taxes should be paid by everyone, except you, you might be a liberal.
If you think that government knows how to spend your money better than you, you might be a liberal.
If you think that the ACLU is good for this country and that the Tea Party is bad, you might be a liberal.
If you think that class warfare for political purposes, is good for this country, you might be a liberal.
If you disagree with the notion that as government gets bigger the people become smaller, you might be a liberal.
If you don’t mind that the US is becoming a mediocre and socialistic country, you might be a liberal.
If you think that being nice to our country’s enemies will make them love us, you might be a liberal.
If you think that opinionated Hollywood types are smart and love this country, you might be a liberal.
If you think that it’s good for government to take from the productive and give to the lazy, you might be a liberal.
If you agree that a lifetime of bad choices makes one eligible for government money, you might be a liberal.
If you think that that a more successful person than you owes you something, you might be a liberal.
If you think that those who believe in God and Country are dumb, you might be an elitist liberal.
If you think that 9/11 happened because “we deserved it” you might be a liberal.
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