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Old 01-19-2011, 07:55 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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The second event went ok too. I deployed the flagpole around 7:45 am, but had to park a little fartther away today. I dollied the stuff over, and then assembled it.
The wind was blowing just enough to make the flag fly for us, and it looked pretty smart for us. I watched from afar afterwards, and saw numerous people stop and read it. I did get a few comments, and all were good. One mexican fellow rode his bike past, and then looked at me and said "la migra", and I said Hell yes!.
I conducted the prayer as people walked past, and they didn't look at me like I was crazy or anything. Then I read a protest script, and retreated to the sidewalks again.
Later, the wind came up pretty strong, and it blew the panels off. I got there just in time to chase the blue cloth with white stars as it blew into traffic. after that, I walked around for another hour, and at 4:15 I observed that the wind got stronger and was stressing and bending the flag pole too much for my comfort. So I took it down about a half hour early today, but again, we had a good run

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