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Old 01-10-2011, 07:32 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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There also was a second sickness on display, and it was the swiftness and the vigor with which the left-wing blogosphere and some more mainstream Democrats immediately sought to blame Sarah Palin and right-wing "vitriol" in general for the shooting.
I must disagree with you. I would not call it a sickness, I would call it 'remembering what that person said'. Palin has said many dumb things that were to incite her followers. When she posted that congressional map with the cross hairs of her targets, I was amazed that no one of the right did not tell her to TONE IT DOWN.
Michelle Bachmann, is another inciter. Look at her eyes and her out of control manner.

I will name a few of the worst ,
1. Sara Palin
2. Michelle Backmann
3. Glenn Beck
4. Rush Limbaugh

There are many more. People should be more aware of what their words can do to an already out of touch mind.

This is not just about the GOP. Everyone is screaming about Freedon of Speech, I think they forget about being responsible.
I look at the picture of that little girl and words are beyond me.

Last edited by Rim05; 01-10-2011 at 07:35 AM.
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