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Old 01-09-2011, 10:14 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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If anyone wants to point fingers, we should include Giffords herself. In a time when people are obliged to suffer groping at airports in the name of national security, we have an elected official forming groups on the street discussing politics. Is this really a current security standard for our elected officials? Wasn't this an accident just waiting to happen? Would the Obamination have been stupid enough to perform the same stunt on regular recurring basis?

Mein Kampf is not a left wing work, it is a work of the right. Hitler is best characterized as being right wing, not left. He identified himself and so did the Nazis as being right wing. They claimed traditional family values and uncompromising opposition to communism. Their "socialism" was a vague prop intended to attract working class Germans of like mind who might otherwise have been weak in opposing the communists and unionists. They never were anything like socialists and pointing this out does nothing to flatter socialism. So this assassin had a fascination for extreme politics in general.

Notice this crackpot also was a gold standard fan. It is more correct to identify him as disoriented, and pointless to make it out as a left wing attack.
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